SPC cannot accept online payments, process or distribute financial aid, or provide refunds between 3:00 pm on Friday, 6月28日, 到周四, 7月4日


金融援助 Policies and Procedures

Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy – Withdrawals

如果学生在一个学期公布的加/退日期之前放弃了所有课程,取消了mg电子试玩app的注册, they will not receive financial aid funds because there is no course registration. 在公布的加/退日期之后退出课程将以W成绩报告,并且费用将保留在学生的帐户上. 在学期第一周之后开始的课程将有不同的退课日期,并在课程时间表中公布. 在公布日期之前从晚开课课程退学的学生将不会获得该课程的经济援助资金,并且之前支付的任何资金可能会被撤销. 获得经济援助的学生,后来退出或放弃所有课程,都要遵守联邦归还第四章政策. 的 policy states that if you withdraw/drop all courses for the semester prior to completing 60% of the term, 收到的或申请到学生账户的一定比例的经济援助必须退还给联邦政府.

A student is considered to be withdrawn if either of the following occurs:

  1. Student logs into their student account and withdraws from all registered courses. 学生将获得W成绩,完成此任务的日期将成为R2T4计算的正式退学日期.
  2. 一名学生在开始上课后,由于没有上交规定的课程作业或完成预定的测试而放弃课程,并且教师发布的分数为FW,将被视为非正式退学. 根据教师报告FW等级时的政策,分配LDA以确定用于R2T4计算的退出日期. If a student fails to begin the course a grade of FN is assigned. 如果被分配FN等级,则根据联邦政策,该课程收到的任何助学金将被撤销,并且不用于第四章的计算.

When a student withdraws during the payment period, the amount of Title IV program assistance that they have earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. 如果学生收到的(或学校或家长代表学生收到的)资助少于所挣的金额, the student may be able to receive those additional funds. If the student received more assistance than they earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or student. Any unearned aid must be returned accordingly. 经济援助办公室和学费办公室使用教育部提供的在线R2T4计算器来计算可能的退款. If the R2T4 calculation results in an amount to be returned that exceeds the school’s portion, the student must repay some funds. 的 student sent a letter in informing them of the process and the amount they must repay. 这封信还通知学生,他们可以建立一个付款计划,必须在14天内联系学费办公室.

Credit Balances after Withdrawal



In some cases, a student may withdraw from all courses before aid has disbursed. 在助学金发放之前,学生必须证明他们已经退出了所有的课程,但已经开始参加所有的课程,并且有资格获得一些(获得的)助学金.

If a student has a total withdrawal before eligible Title IV aid is disbursed, 圣保罗书院 will determine if the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. 学生应得的任何第四章助学金将在计算后45天内直接申请到学生账户. 如果学生有资格获得联邦贷款支付,作为退学后的一部分,财政援助办公室将在30天内与学生联系. 的 student will be given 14 days to respond to 圣保罗书院 if they accept/decline the funds. 如果他们接受资金, disbursements will be applied their account balance and if there is a credit as a result, the credit will be disbursed to the student.

任何未获得的第四章资金(如助学金)必须在退出决定日期的45天内退还给联邦学生援助. 返还给联邦政府的资金用于减少拨付资金的联邦项目金额. Funds are returned in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Loans
  3. 联邦PLUS贷款
  4. 额外佩尔助学金
  5. 联邦佩尔助学金
  6. SEOG格兰特
  7. Other assistance under Title IV for which a Return of Funds is required

Minnesota State 金融援助 Refund Calculation

When it is determined that a Return of Title IV calculation be completed for a student, mg电子试玩app还根据明尼苏达州高等教育退款政策审查学生账户并计算明尼苏达州项目的任何回报援助.

联合体协议s for 金融援助

If you are taking classes required for your program at 圣保罗书院 at another college, you must complete a consortium agreement if you would like those courses considered for financial aid eligibility.  的 联合体协议 form is available online on the 资助表格 page and also in the 金融援助 Office, 并且必须与接收学校的附件登记表一起填写,并在加/退截止日期之前提交给经济援助办公室. If a consortium agreement is not submitted, financial aid calculations cannot consider courses taken at the host school, as you cannot receive financial aid at two different schools during the same semester of enrollment.


学费 and fees will be deferred provided the following has been met by the posted tuition deadline for the term.

  1. Student has received an Award Letter with financial aid eligibility equal to or greater than the tuition/fee charge. (Loan only eligibility requires a submitted Promissory Note).
  2. An electronic Institutional Student 信息rmation Record (ISIR) is received resulting from submission of a FAFSA.

Any tuition/fee balance not covered by 金融援助 is the student’s payment responsibility.

金融援助 Book Charging Process

的 经济援助书收费 允许学生在mg电子试玩app书店收取书籍和用品费用,由学费办公室管理

Special Circumstances/Income Review

管理财政援助的联邦法律允许mg电子试玩app财政援助办公室在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)未考虑的特殊情况下重新计算财政需求。. To ensure fairness and compliance with federal regulations, there are limits to which circumstances can be considered. Special Circumstances are considered on a case by case basis.


联邦学生援助决定学生的身份是依赖还是独立,取决于学生对联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)第3步中列出的13个问题的回答。. 学生被分为独立学生和独立学生,因为联邦学生援助计划的原则是,学生(及其父母或配偶)被认为是高等教育的主要支持来源. 依赖撤销程序用于逐个处理那些声称独立但不符合联邦标准的学生. 的 student must demonstrate unique and extenuating circumstance.


1997年的《mg电子试玩app》(TRA)规定了学生可能有资格申请的两项税收抵免:希望奖学金税收抵免和终身学习税收抵免. 的 Hope Scholarship Tax Credit is a tax credit and not a scholarship. If you do not pay federal income tax, this credit will not apply to you. 的 credit applies to students enrolled at least half-time for at least one term during the calendar year. 的 credit applies only to citizens or permanent residents of the United States. 该抵免仅适用于纳税人支付的学费和学术费用(不包括补助金或第三方赞助商)。. 如果你的助学金或其他款项将支付书本费或其他生活费用,而你自己支付学费和学术费用, you may claim the credit; however, you must report the grant or other payment as income.

Many details surround the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit and the Life-Long Learning Tax Credit. 圣保罗书院 does not provide Income Tax Counseling. We recommend that you consult with a tax professional to see if you qualify. 信息rmation on the Hope Tax Credit is available in the 学费 Office. Tax Credit brochures are available in the 金融援助 Office.